
The Canterbury Earthquake (Christchurch Replacement District Plan) Order 2014 (the Order) made under the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011, modified the Resource Management Act 1991 to provide a streamlined process for the review of the existing district plans and for the preparation of a comprehensive replacement district plan for the Christchurch district.

The process established by the Order provided for the notification of proposals for the replacement plan, the notification of those proposals and for the making of submissions by any persons.

A hearings panel, appointed by the Minister for the Environment and the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery, in consultation with the Christchurch City Council, conducted hearings into the submissions and made decisions on whether to make changes to any proposal.

A right of appeal to the High Court (on points of law only) against any decision of the hearings panel was available to the Ministers and to any person who made a submission.

Proposals as amended by the decisions of the hearings panel were made operative after the resolution of any appeals.

Summary of statutory and policy influences on the Christchurch Replacement District Plan

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