Proposal for residential new neighbourhood zones

The Residential New Neighbourhood Zones proposal was notified and opened for submissions on Monday 28 September 2015 (see the public notice(external link)).  Submissions and further submissions have now closed.

The proposal can be downloaded below or viewed at any Council service centre or library (reference copy only).

If you have a query or want to discuss any aspect of this proposal, please call us or email us at


Submissions closed on Wednesday 18 November 2015 and are listed below. 

(external link)Summary of submissions(external link) [PDF 200KB]

Submission number and name  Submission number and name
RNN1(external link)  Luneys Buchanan Limited RNN6(external link)   Transpower New Zealand Limited
RNN2(external link) Christchurch City Council RNN7(external link)  Oakvale Farm Limited
RNN3(external link) Fulton Hogan Limited RNN8(external link) Milns Road Farm Limited and Blakesfield Limited
RNN4(external link) Orion New Zealand Limited RNN9(external link) Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority
RNN5(external link) Danne Mora Holdings Limited    

Further Submissions

Further submissions closed on Wednesday 2 December 2015 and are listed below.

RNN10(external link) Luneys Buchanan Limited
RNN11(external link) Riccarton Wigram Community Board


The Residential New Neighbourhood Proposal documents